Meal Plan To Gain Weight For Beginners

Meal Plan to Gain Weight for Beginners

Are you tired of listening to comments from people about being skinny? Do you want to put on some weight but have no knowledge or idea about how to do it? Well, you should know that losing weight is tough so is gaining weight. Both the conditions need proper plans to overcome the difficulties. So, you need the proper guidance to gain weight too.

● First of all, you need to include 3 meals every day (other than snacks) in your diet plan.
● Second, your daily calories intake should be more than your usual calorie maintenance count. It means you need to consume more calories than you burn.

Here is the meal plan to gain weight for the beginners:

● Breakfast
If you are taking breakfast lightly and skipping it then stop doing that because your body needs it. It is the most important part of your weight gain journey so make a rule and never skip your breakfast. The time for your breakfast should be between 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Suggested diet for breakfast:
Oats, brown rice, whole wheat daliya, banana, eggs (2), whey protein or protein shake, wheat paratha (2), moong dal dosa, halva, idli sambhar, etc. Try to keep your breakfast heavy and remember to add a glass of milk to it.

● Snack
Take your snacks after 2 to 3 hours of your breakfast. If you eat every 3-4 hours it would be easy to add your calorie count.

Suggested snacks:
Fruits like apples and bananas, nuts, roasted peanuts, sprouts (healthy and high in protein), chana chat, or any other light food item you may prefer but keep it a bit light.

● Lunch
Make your lunch heavy and rich in carbs or proteins. The time for your Lunch should be 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Suggested diet for lunch:
Basic lunch- 2 to 3 whole wheat chapati + 1 bowl of dal + 1 Vegetable + 1 plate of salad + 1 bowl of curd (Dahi) For variety, you can add rice in place of chapati (for vegetarians) and eggs, fish, and chicken (for non-vegetarians) to increase the amount of protein. Add deserts or some healthy sweet dish at the end.

● Evening Snack
Adding evening snacks to your diet plan will help you to increase your calorie intake.

Suggested items for evening snacks:
Any reliable weight-gaining shake (do not take unreliable and fake supplements). If you want a change then you can look for protein biscuits which are also available in the market. Whole wheat daliya, oats, peanut chat, chana chat. You can also make a homemade banana shake (any other fruit shake can also be used).

● Dinner
Make your dinner heavy and rich in carbs and protein. Anything you take in lunch can be taken for dinner too. You can switch salad and sweet dishes for lunch and dinner. If you skip sweet dishes for lunch, you can take them for dinner. But, 1 plate of vegetable salad in a day is a must may it be in your lunch or dinner. The time for your dinner should be 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

● Before Bed Meal
A handful of Almonds or Cashews with a glass of milk will provide nutrients to your body throughout the night. Keep it light.

Some other important things that you need to keep in mind and additional tips to get better results:

● Calculate your current calorie intake and check how many surplus calories your body needs to gain weight. You can easily check it with online calorie calculators.
● Do not eat a lot of junk food just to increase your calorie intake. It will have adverse effects on your health.
● Take good sleep of 7-8 hours at the night.
● Add a minimum of 30 to 40 minutes of workout sessions for 3 or 4 days a week. It will increase your appetite and help you to grow your muscles.
● Drink a minimum of 3 liters of water every day to keep your digestion process good. In addition, there are a lot of health and skin benefits of drinking water and staying hydrated.

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